Things To Know Before Visiting An Urgent Care Clinic In Manhattan!

In the case of non-life-threatening diseases or injuries, urgent care clinics are the optimal medical facilities for outpatient care. However, you should not consider these clinics in Manhattan an alternative to seeing your regular doctor. In cases where your regular doctor is unavailable, this is the next best place to consult.

In non-emergency situations, many patients find urgent care a better and inexpensive alternative than the emergency room. Due to its easy accessibility and increasing popularity, today, more than 9,000 urgent care clinics around the United States provide needful treatment to patients. Their urgent care doctors possess in-depth knowledge and expertise to instantly offer various types of medical care.

Keep reading this blog to learn a few things before visiting urgent care!

  1. Urgent Care Differs From An Emergency Room – 

You must know that urgent care is not a medical setting where they can deal with major traumas, childbirth, life-threatening illness, or even heart attacks. Therefore, if you meet with an accident and your injuries can be serious to your life, you should always call the emergency medical services rather than visit urgent care.

Apart from this, do not visit urgent care if you’re feeling chest pain, severe headache, difficulty breathing, non-stop bleeding, fractures, stroke, or multiple injuries because these conditions can be potentially dangerous for your life. Also, you must be aware that urgent care is not equipped with the right tools to treat your problem efficiently. 

      2.  Check The Best Time To Visit- 

You can visit urgent care at any time, but some of the units are bustling during the holidays, weekends, and in the evening, that’s why you might wait a bit longer to get treatment. Call your local urgent care center to find out how long you might expect to wait before being seen. To reduce wait time, you can also check in online. Some urgent care offers online medical history forms to save you time.

        3.  Carry Necessary Documents – 

Urgent care clinics do not maintain a record of a patient’s medical history, so here is a list of all the necessary medical documentation that might be needed- 

  • You need to bring a list of medications you are taking with the name and address of your preferred pharmacy.
  • Your most recent health insurance details.
  • A list of your important medical diagnoses and vaccination history is necessary before providing treatment. Also, bring the information of your primary doctor. 
  • In case you visit urgent care with a minor who is not your child, then make sure you bring a parental authorization form with you. 
  • As urgent care clinics do not have your details, you must bring a picture ID to verify your identity.  

      4.  Not All Urgent Clinics Are Equal – 

It is always a good idea to research a few clinics and their services before leaving home. Remember, some urgent care clinics are certified and have qualified doctors as compared to others. Similarly, only a few urgent centers offer x-ray machine facilities for patients.

Wrapping Up!

If you’re suffering from flu or any other non-serious illness or injury, then you can simply visit the Walk-in Clinic of NY for immediate medical care. Urgent care doctors offer prompt, cost-effective, same-day appointments for your convenience. 

So simply call 212-686-5800 and book an appointment right away!

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