4 Surprising Facts To Know About Urgent Care Clinics

Ever Since the demand for cheap and affordable healthcare has been increased, the trend of urgent care clinics has grown significantly. Millennials are, in fact, using urgent care centers more frequently than other healthcare systems. The reason behind the massive acceptance is its convenience and affordability. They offer urgent care services without the need for appointments and even at odd hours. People from NYC can turn to Urgent care clinics for conditions such as minor infections, minor diseases, and broken bones. Many people don’t have clarity about urgent care clinics and the services they offer. 

In this blog, we are going to cover all the surprising facts about Urgent Care Clinics. 


  • Don’t confuse urgent care clinics with walk-in retail clinics


Walk-in retail clinics provide medical care for patients suffering from uncomplicated minor diseases. They also provide preventive care services. However, urgent care clinics are the walk-in care centers opened for treating other diseases. They treat minor illnesses and injuries that need urgent care at odd hours. They are the illnesses that don’t require to visit an emergency room. They are usually open at hours when primary care is not accessible. 


  • People think that they won’t receive proper medical care in the Urgent Care clinic


This is a common misconception in many people about urgent care centres. Well, this is not true. Urgent care centres have professional and well-trained medical staff hired to attend urgent medical care. They also have an emergency medicine background and are well-certified in providing acute care.  


  • Urgent care doctors cannot prescribe all types of medications. 


Some medical prescriptions need follow-up and monitoring, and thus urgent care doctors can’t prescribe those medications. So yes, there are some medications that they will not able to prescribe you as it may need to monitor the patient’s condition intimately and his medical history. For example narcotics, long-term pain medications or more. 


  • Urgent care clinics limit your visits to ERs


When people have to visit their primary care provider and they don’t get an appointment, they usually turn to urgent care clinics. As urgent care are cheaper as compared to ERs, they will save your money too, especially when the issue is minor and can be treated by urgent care providers in NYC. In fact, many insurers are now touting about urgent care centers to go for non-emergency issues other than emergency rooms or primary care centers. 

Last but not the least, urgent care clinics focus on minor illnesses and injuries. They are not ideal for life-threating diseases. Before you go to urgent care in NYC, be aware of the diseases treated at these clinics. 

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