What are the High-Risk Jobs that Cause Back Pain?

Back pain is one of the major problems faced by many people in the US. There are many reasons behind this problem. Poor diet chart, job settings, irregular eating habits, are some of the common reasons according to the experts. According to urgent care clinic in NY, this is common in the women as well as in men. In this blog, we will discuss some of the careers for women that may cause back pain.


Desk Jobs– It is not that the people who do the physical work are prone to back pain, the women who have desk jobs often suffer from back pain. This is because they spend 8 to 10 hours sitting on a chair that causes severe pain the lower back pain. This is a problem that has affected millions of people in the IT or corporate sector.

Nursing– nursing is a profession which is women dominating. Women working here suffer from a lot of mental and physical pressure as they need to check a lot of patients continuously for many hours. In addition to this, they have to take care of patients continuously. Moreover, it is a standing job which worsens the condition of women.

Maids/Housekeepers– Women in this profession contribute a maximum of their time in scrubbing things down, bending over, carrying cleaning groceries from here to there and many more. These repeated movements such as- twisting, bending, and reaching end up causing serious pressure on the spine which causes back pain.

In salons- Salons are also one of the places where women dominate. Giving the message to the patients, scrubbing, hair does ‘s, cutting, facials, doing wax jobs, and other works need a lot of time. During this time they remain stand which causes stretching of muscles and pain in the back.

Getting the proper treatment for back pain is very important. So, if you are facing back pain or pain in lower back, you must visit the urgent care clinic in NY. For more information, visit http://www.walkinclinicnyc.com/



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